Japan is unlike other popular tourism spaces. It is unlikely to see foreigners in Japanese streets, even in the city of Tokyo. In facts, statistics shows that roughly 900,000 tourists visited Japan in this September, with majorities(>25%each) from South Korea and Taiwan. This is less than 1% of the total population in Japan. Only less than 100,000 North Americans visited Japan in this September. 
It is not difficult to guess the reasons why many Korean and Taiwanese tourists visit Japan. All three countries share similar culture;Korea and Taiwan were affected by Japanese Culture under colonization during 19th century. As a Taiwanese residing in North America, I could still remember my grandpa became excited if you mention the word 'Japan'.

My purpose of this trip is not only a leisure travel, but it also will contain adventure and learning. As I have visited Kando(Tokyo and its surroundings), and I was attracted by temples and Shinto Shrines in Kansai Region, as they often appears in Japanese Movies and Animations. I would want to travel alone and test my braveness of being without family or friends. I do think it is going to be helpful with my career and make me feel the confidence. I am also going to taste the food and experience the authentic lifestyle when staying in a Hostel with traditional Japanese decorations. I am going to make friends, either local Japanese or other travelers like me. I am hoping by exploring a similar but well protected culture, I can grow up and become a real adult, since I have never traveled alone.

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