This trip is going to be my first-time ever, solo travelling to a foreign country. I have planned it to occur likely in the beginning of May, 2015 for 10 days. At that time, I would probably finish my 1-year graduate study and I will not have a large budget for luxury trip, especially Japan.

When I visited Japan in 2005, I was shocked about the cost of staying there and thank god I did stay in friend of my mother's BFF apartment so that I did not pay anything for a place to stay. 

Though interestingly this Youtube video shows the costing of living in Kobe, Kansai is $1180 per month and it does not differ significantly from cities in Canada. 
Transportation to Japan is also expensive from Canada. So I may only afford to buy Economy Class ticket.

My budget for this trip is $4000, roughly a monthly income if I can get an entry level job. Most of the spending will be on transportation, living and dining, where other cost might include tickets and shopping.

Here is a simple calculation for the estimated cost:

Air Ticket                
Living(8 days) 
Other Cost             
TOTAL 3500

The calculation is still an estimation and all other details will be explored in later posts.

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