May 8th, Kyoto 

1-day Trip(From Kansai Window)

This Trip focus on the attractions of Kyoto as an old capital of Japan.

The entire trip will take roughly a day and the most exciting place will be the To-ji Temple

The temple is the tallest wood building in Japan and it was built in thousand years ago.
This would probably be the scene I am going to experience. It looks fresh and relaxing, unlike the high pressure urban concrete buildings. I can smell the flower and feel the freshness of this temple. 

A closer look of the temple unveils a similar structure to many temples in China, but neither of those I saw match the height and the size of Do-ji. I will be surprised about how Japanese protect their culture rather than devastate and build more apartments in China.

On this day I will also visit a locomotive museum and see real steam engines working! Then I will also depart the Trolley Train and feel the nature. After that I will head back to Osaka.

May 9th, Day 2 Kyoto

Today I will visit Shrines. The Kamigamo Shrine and Shimogamo Shrine. Both Shrine are also very historic and quiet inside. As a single traveler, I will arrive early and sit inside the Shrine for hours to 'clean' my mind. I will temporarily forget the daily matters and other pressure and listen to the trees and even the god of these jinjia shrines.
Shimogamo Shrine
Kamigamo Shrine 

After visiting shrines, I would probably visit the Kyoto National Museum, for more collections of traditional Japan lifestyle, since Japan does contain a long history between different dynasty.

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